Further proceedings after a lawsuit against repeat elections in Berlin are still open


After the receipt of constitutional complaints against the repeat election to the Berlin House of Representatives, further proceedings are still open. The Federal Constitutional Court has started processing, said a spokesman on Tuesday in Karlsruhe. It is not yet foreseeable when a decision can be expected. The Federal Constitutional Court considers the applications to be urgent, he added when asked.

In the previous week, the court had received a constitutional complaint including an urgent application, backed by 43 Berliners, including representatives at district and state level from several parties and people without a political mandate. According to one of the parties involved, the plaintiffs question, among other things, why the Berlin Constitutional Court ordered a complete rerun of the election, even though errors had not happened in all polling stations.

An individual also turned to the Federal Constitutional Court, the spokesman said. According to his own statements, the former member of parliament Marcel Luthe (non-party) is behind it. Among other things, he submitted a constitutional complaint against the judgment of the state constitutional court on November 16 because no new lists and candidates were allowed in the re-election, said Luthe.

The state constitutional judges had declared the election of September 26, 2021 completely invalid due to many mishaps. The state returning officer has set February 12, 2023 as the date for the repeat election, which also affects the twelve district parliaments.

[ad_2] Further proceedings after a lawsuit against repeat elections in Berlin are still open

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