According to a senior Chinese official, conflict and confrontation with the US are unavoidable


differences between the powers: As of this morning (Tuesday), Chinese Foreign Minister Chin Gangwarned that “conflict and confrontation” with the US are likely if Washington “does not alter direction” in its approach to Beijing. At the annual parliament meeting, the Chinese foreign minister adopted a combative tone and warned against the “catastrophic consequences” of the American

No safety measure will be able to stop it from derailing, he claims, and as a result, it will lead to tensions and confrontations between the nations if the US does not apply the brakes and keeps moving forward in the wrong way toward China. Along with outlining China’s foreign policy priorities for the upcoming year, Gang defended Beijing’s tight relationship with Moscow.

Qin Gang, the foreign minister of China (photo: getty images)

The two largest economies in the world are in their most severe economic crisis in decades, and tensions have lately risen as a result of American suspicions that surveillance balloons entered its airspace and were later shot down by fighter jets. The Chinese foreign minister clarified what transpired during the diplomatic crisis, saying that “American perceptions and opinions of China are skewed. Beijing is viewed as Washington’s principal foe and biggest geopolitical obstacle by Beijing.” He adds that “The USA claims that, despite not seeking conflict, it wants to compete with China. But, in practice, the Americans take part in the tournament by restricting and stifling the game’s regulations.”

The problem surrounding Taiwan was also brought up by the Chinese foreign minister, who cautioned the Americans that “this is a red line that must not be crossed.” He claims that “Americans must refrain from meddling in China’s domestic issues. Why, when it comes to the war in Ukraine, does Washington talk about preserving sovereignty and territorial integrity, but not when it comes to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity with regard to Taiwan? Why does the US continue to provide weapons to Taiwan while requesting China to stop providing them to Russia? “.

The “Wall Street Journal” published an article last Sunday stating that US authorities have recently expressed fears that cranes built in China that are used in American ports are yet another means of Chinese espionage. The worry has grown, especially since several of the questioned cranes are also used by the military. According to the report, the cranes are equipped with sophisticated sensors that can record and track the origin and destination of the containers they transport, which raises serious concerns that China may use this information to provide the US military with secret information about the contents of containers entering or leaving the country.

[ad_2] According to a senior Chinese official, conflict and confrontation with the US are unavoidable

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