Benfica is convincing in the second leg against Club Brugge for the quarterfinals of the Champions League


The Benfica footballers qualified for the quarterfinals of the Champions League, as they defeated Club Brugge 5:1 in the return match tonight.

Scorers for Benfica were Rafa Silva in the 38th minute, Gonzalo Ramos in the second minute of stoppage time and the 57th minute, Joao Mario in the 71st minute and David Neres in the 77th minute.

The goal for Club Brugge was scored by Bjor Meijer in the 87th minute.

Benfica managed to shake the net of Club Brugge in the second minute, but the goal scored by Joao Maria was disallowed due to offside.

In the 15th minute, Benfica had a chance to take the lead, but Florentino caught the ball badly and shot wide from seven meters.

Benfica took the lead in the 38th minute with a goal by Rafa Silva. Ramos sent the ball from the left side, which was received by Rafa Silva, freed himself from two players, shot with the outside of his boot and hit the corner of the Club Brugge goal.

In stoppage time, Benfica managed to double the lead. The scorer was Gonzalo Ramos after an excellent solo action.

Benfica reached the third goal in the 57th minute with Ramos’ second goal. Grimaldo sent the ball into the penalty area and passed it into the net from the first.

In the 71st minute, João Mario was safe from the “white spot” and gave Benfica a convincing advantage.

Seven minutes later, Benfica reached the fifth goal. After an assist from Neves, Neres shot diagonally from the left side and hit the net of Club Brugge.

By the end of the match, Club Brugge managed to score an honorable goal through Bjor Meijer in the 87th minute.

[ad_2] Benfica is convincing in the second leg against Club Brugge for the quarterfinals of the Champions League

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