Elizabeth II’s throne or the neo-Gothic library are two examples of the Senate’s “hideouts” that can be seen right now and tomorrow


Prior to the Constitution Day holiday, the institution celebrates its open days.

This Wednesday and Thursday, the Senate will be open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Visitors to the Upper House will have the opportunity to see “hiding places” such as the neo-Gothic library or a throne from Queen Isabel II’s reign that was also used by King Amadeo de Saboya, King Alfonso XII, King Alfonso XII, and the dictator Francisco Franco.

In accordance with his appointment, Chamber President Ander Gil symbolically opened the “Puerta del Rey” at 10:00 a.m. so that more than thirty people could access the Palace residents who were waiting in line in the Plaza de la Marina Espaola to fight the cold with coffee and homemade broth provided by the institution.

A couple named Rogelio and Escolástica were the first to welcome the president and enter the Old Plenary Hall. As they explained in statements to the media, this was their first time visiting the Senate and they did not want to miss this opportunity. They arrived at 9.15 am after learning about these days on television.

Following this union, several citizens—in pairs, groups, or individually—have been accessing and receiving copies of the Spanish Constitution, and Board representatives—including Po Garca Escudero, Manuel Fajardo, Rafael Hernando, and the PSOE’s in-house spokesperson, Eva Granados—have been seen at the Old Plenary Hall’s doors.


The Old Plenary Hall was the first thing that these visitors encountered. Several citizens have acknowledged that it is one of the most recognizable features of the Chamber and, consequently, one of the most photographed. This is because this area is used to commemorate conferences, commissions, and the plenary session that takes place at the start of the legislative session.

The Chamber’s president has since spoken to them from the rostrum, thanking them for coming and emphasizing the value of citizenship in politics. In reality, he has commended the political profession’s work in one of the citizens who acknowledged that he had previously been unable to visit the Senate because of his employment.

Following these remarks, the public was able to continue conversing with these senatorial representatives and later access the various rooms made available through a tour. These rooms included the library, the conference room, the Manuel Broseta rooms Pont and Manuel Giménez Abad, the offices of honor for the presidency, and the Manuel Broseta rooms.


The institution has chosen to display the Senate’s throne, a Neo-Baroque style armchair made of carved and gilded wood, for the second consecutive year in the Conference chamber, also known as the Pasos Perdidos room. Four other paintings, including “the capitulation of Granada,” are also located in this chamber.

It is unknown whether the Senate’s throne chair was purchased or given. Despite the fact that two armchairs were purchased, as of 1844, there is no mention of the second chair, leaving only one in existence. It was utilized by dictator Francisco Franco, Isabel II, Amadeo de Saboya, Alfonso XII, and Alfonso XII.

Since its inception, the Upper House has needed a throne in the session room to fit the kings’ seats whenever they arrive to begin or close the Cortes. In its early years, the Chamber’s poor circumstances compelled it to regularly ask for the transfer of a canopy and throne chair to Queen Mara Cristina de Borbón.

Since the Senate acted as the National Council’s office during Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, he was the last to use it. Even though the cheer emblem had been replaced with the Arms of Juan Carlos embroidery on the back, the king emeritus refused to wear it.


The Senate library is another location that Ander Gil has suggested for citizens to visit since, in his words to the media, “people change their perspective of the institution” when they see it.

The Reading Room, one of the Upper House’s architectural gems, was constructed in 1882. More than 340,000 books, separated into a historical and a modern collection, are housed in its neo-Gothic library.

The Historical Fund contains about 105,000 volumes, the majority of which have been digitized and made available to the public via the Senate website. The modern collection contains more than 235,000 books in it.

The Senate Library was created by Emilio Rodriguez Ayuso of Alicante and was modeled after the one that was previously constructed for the British Parliament.

But the Chamber president has observed the “holiday for the Democrats,” which entails welcoming the populace. Presenting a National Identity Document, a passport, or a residence card is required to enter the Senate during certain times, and ramps are available at the facility’s entrance.

[ad_2] Elizabeth II’s throne or the neo-Gothic library are two examples of the Senate’s “hideouts” that can be seen right now and tomorrow

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