The EU confirms that it is investigating TikTok for the transfer of data to China and advertising directed at minors


The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,has confirmed that the The European Union (EU) is carrying out multiple investigations into the TikTok platform for him data treatment confidential information of users that have been transferred to China and the advertising directed at minors.

Through this investigation, the European Union intends to make sure of than social network of Chinese origin complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

For this, as reported by von der Leyen through a statement, an investigation has been launched by the Irish DPA,which will inspect the data processing and advertising directed at minors, as well as the transfer of data to China. These practices are also in dispute in the Dutch courts.

“TikTok’s data practices, including with respect to international data transfers, are the subject of several ongoing proceedings,” the statement read. letter from the president of the European Commission shared by Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr, a Twitter.

These investigation processes opened by the European Union are preceded by a report of BuzzFeed News,in which it is detailed that TikTok had repeatedly accessed US user data from China through its parent company ByteDance, discovered thanks to the leak of 80 audios of internal TikTok meetings.

In this framework, the Members of the European Parliament sent their concerns to European Comission requesting to address the situation with a view to a possible similar scenario in the EU. “It would be a serious mistake to let this happen,” they stated in the letter sent to the European Commission.

In this regard, Brendan Carr already positioned himself a few months ago against TikTok, advising that it is not “just another video application”, but that collects swaths of sensitive data that you access. He, moreover, has insisted that It should be removed from the Apple and Google app stores.

[ad_2] The EU confirms that it is investigating TikTok for the transfer of data to China and advertising directed at minors

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