“Most skillful enemy Ukraine has ever faced”: Impact of Russian ‘General Armageddon’ is being felt


“The most competent enemy that Kiev has already faced”. That’s what it calls The sunday telegraph Sergei Surovikin. The 56-year-old Russian was appointed by Vladimir Putin in early October to command all troops fighting at the front in Ukraine, and he has since made his mark on the Russian invasion. “He is perhaps the most capable general to have brought Russia to power so far,” said Dara Massicot, a researcher at the US think tank Rand Corporation.

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Soerovikin was appointed by Putin when the morale of the Russian troops was low and the army appeared disorganized. The Russians had been pushed back into northeastern Kharkov, had lost their hold on southern Kherson, and the supply lines were under pressure from the massive supply of Western artillery.

Hopeless, you think, but the 56-year-old Soerovikin came with some letters of nobility. He had served in Syria and Chechnya, among other places, earning his nickname “General Armageddon.” That nickname betrays how he is viewed: a ruthless fighter who does not shy away from violence and guarantees a very aggressive approach to the war. Don’t sit back, but shoot everything to shreds. An attitude that Putin likes. And a tactic that he also started using in Ukraine.

Attacks stepped up

Since Surovikin came to power, Russia has stepped up its attacks on Ukrainian targets. On military targets, but especially on critical infrastructure for the energy supply. In doing so, he is tapping into the same vein as what he had his army do in Syria earlier: driving the civilians to despair because they have no access to heating, food or running water. Under his leadership, the Russian soldiers dug in firmly and perfected their defense lines. According to the newspaper’s sources, Ukraine will have a hard time getting through. Russian troops are said to be better organized and more disciplined than they were a few months ago. The news agency came to that conclusion a month ago Reuters even though, just like Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov.

Since then there has been doubt about the functioning of Surovikin when the Russian army withdrew from the city of Kherson. This was seen by international observers as a humiliation for Russia, and many articles appeared about increasing pressure on the man from the Kremlin. But according to Massicot, he has actually just proven himself to Putin there. “The predictions were that that withdrawal along the river would end in a massacre of Russian soldiers, but it did not.”

Tough opponent

Military analyst Mick Ryan also sees a tough opponent for the Ukrainians in Soerovikin. “Because of his ruthlessness and his attention to detail.” Although he thinks it is necessary to make a comment. “The question is whether he will be able to continue dealing with the Kremlin. He has not been appointed commander to simply defend what has already been conquered, which he is doing well now. Realistically or not, Putin will expect to become even more aggressive and achieve even more military successes in Ukraine.” Read: that he brings the Russian invasion of Ukraine to a successful conclusion by taking full control of at least the south of the country.

Or the analysis of The sunday telegraph correct, will become apparent in the coming days and weeks. Experts have already said in recent days that the Ukrainian army currently has the momentum and could quickly proceed to attacks. It remains to be seen whether Surovikin’s troops can withstand this from their defensive position.

[ad_2] “Most skillful enemy Ukraine has ever faced”: Impact of Russian ‘General Armageddon’ is being felt

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