Putin accuses Ukraine and the West of not being willing to talk


According to its President Vladimir Putin, Russia is ready to negotiate with all parties involved in the Ukraine conflict. However, the leadership in Kyiv and its Western supporters have refused talks, Putin said in an interview with state TV channel Rossiya 1 published on Sunday. “We are ready to negotiate acceptable solutions with all parties involved, but that is up to them – not us those who refuse to negotiate, they do.” Ukraine immediately contradicted this.

The invasion of Ukraine, launched by Russia on February 24, is the worst conflict in Europe since the end of World War II. It is also the largest confrontation between Russia and the West since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, which involved the deployment of US medium-range missiles in Turkey and the Soviet Union in Cuba.

There is no end in sight to the war in Ukraine, which the Russian leadership has described as a special military operation. The Russian leadership has said it will fight until all of its goals are achieved, including the demilitarization of Ukraine. Their government has announced that it will not rest until the last Russian soldier has left territory – including the Crimea peninsula of Ukraine annexed by Russia in 2014.

The Ukrainian government contradicted Putin’s account in the interview. “Russia single-handedly attacked Ukraine and is killing citizens,” wrote Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on Twitter. “Russia does not want negotiations, but is trying to avoid responsibility.” Putin must return to reality.

In a recent interview, the director of the US CIA, William Burns, also expressed skepticism about Russia’s willingness to talk. Although most conflicts are ended through negotiations, the CIA is convinced that Russia is not yet serious about real talks to end the war.

The Russian President was convinced of his course. “I believe our actions are going in the right direction.” The West, led by the US, is trying to split Russia. “We defend our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people,” Putin said. “And we have no choice but to protect our citizens.” Putin expressed his conviction that the vast majority of the Russian population – 99.9 percent – is ready to defend their country and give everything for the fatherland.

The US government denies planning the collapse of Russia. Ukraine and the West accuse Russia of an imperial war of occupation against its neighbor, to which it has no right. When asked if the geopolitical conflict with the West was approaching dangerous proportions, the Russian President replied: “I don’t think it’s that dangerous.”

Putin also reiterated his intention to destroy the Patriot air defense system promised to Ukraine by the United States. “Of course we will destroy it, 100 percent!” Putin said in reference to the system, whose delivery to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was promised by US President Joe Biden during his visit to Washington in the middle of the week.

Putin said the West started the conflict in Ukraine in 2014 by toppling a pro-Russian president at the Maidan protests in Kyiv. “Actually, this is about the policy of our geopolitical opponents, aimed at tearing apart Russia, historical Russia.” They had “always tried to ‘divide and conquer'”. His goal is “something different – to unite the Russian people”. Putin justifies the ten-month offensive in Ukraine with the concept of “historic Russia”, according to which Ukrainians and Russians are one people. “We are acting in the right direction, we are protecting our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people,” Putin said.

Putin is alluding to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. This had stopped a largely negotiated association agreement with the EU and thus triggered massive protests in the population, from which he fled to Russia. As a result, in February 2014, the parliament in Kyiv voted to depose Yanukovych. Shortly after this revolution, Russia annexed Crimea, and Russian-backed separatists began fighting Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine.

After new Russian attacks, Selenskyj called on people to persevere in an emotional video message at Christmas. “We endured attacks, threats, nuclear blackmail, terror and missile strikes. Let’s get through this winter because we know what we’re fighting for,” Zelenskyy said in a video circulated on Christmas Eve. He was standing in the dark on the street with a Christmas tree and dim lights in the background.

“We believe that tears will give way to joy, that hope will come after despair, and death will be conquered by life,” Zelenskyy said. Millions of people in Ukraine and around the world are celebrating Christmas these days, he said. The President recalled Ukrainians who fled abroad or had to spend Christmas in Russian captivity. “We will bring freedom back to all Ukrainian women and men.”

After the Russian attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure, the streets and houses may not shine as brightly as usual this year, Zelensky said. But no Russian drone or missile can break the spirit of Christmas. “And even in total darkness we will find each other to hug tightly. And if there is no heating, we will warm ourselves with a big hug,” said Zelenskyy. “We will not wait for a miracle, we will create it ourselves.” In Ukraine, December 25 is both an official Christmas day and January 7, when Orthodox Christians celebrate.

The Mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, also sent Christmas greetings on the news channel. The festival strengthens faith in hearts, he said. “We especially thank the defenders who are far from their hometowns and their relatives.” They are in the process of bringing victory closer and closer to Ukraine.

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