“The epicenter of the construction revolution” is Potsdam


Real-world sustainable building lab, think tank, and meeting place: The project Bauhaus Erde, started by climatologist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber around a year ago, will have a temporary pavilion next to the Brandenburg Ministry of Science next summer, and then a brand-new, wood-framed structure will be constructed permanently. Schellnhuber stated that Potsdam should “become the heart of the construction turnaround in the 21st century” when the plans were unveiled on Friday. “We aim to make Potsdam the best city in the world at this,”

The new, sustainable Bauhaus movement, which is meant to expand on the historical model, should have a global impact and “test model solutions for eight or ten billion people,” according to the founder of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). He acknowledges that it sounds egotistical, but he adds, “We can’t afford not to think boldly.” Although he has already given the plans to the imperial couple in Japan, the heads of state of northern European nations, and particularly Poland, where there is a lot of interest, he does not think they are impractical.

Schellnhuber asserts that there is much catching up to be done in terms of sustainable building and the materials employed. 40% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the construction industry. There is little chance for the climate if the global South just replicates the structures made of steel, concrete, and glass that we have been constructing for decades.

The New Bauhaus School

Herein lies the role of Bauhaus Earth. It ought to incorporate four areas. Materials are created and evaluated in a lab in Marienfelde as well as at the Potsdam facility, on the one hand. clay or grass, as well as wood and bamboo. A think tank also addresses concerns of the future, including the conversion of forests or brand-new ideas for the built environment. Thirdly, a network of famous structures needs to be created. Fourth, a brand-new Bauhaus Academy will be established in the future. Schellnhuber speculates that the new structure might serve as the academy’s focal point.

The scientist explained, “In Potsdam, a model structure will be developed that is not only a hometown for Bauhaus earth, but also demonstrates how to sustainably connect past and present in a historically damaged place. The data center, the current location of the Bauhaus, and the construction site for the garrison church tower are all just across the street. Schellnhuber claimed that he could easily picture the data center serving as a “demonstration facility that demonstrates how environmentally, climatically, and sustainably sustainable renovation can be done.”

ProtoPotsdam, a wooden pavilion, is scheduled to begin construction as early as August 2023 on the property’s little corner on Dortustrasse and Spornstrasse, near to the Ministry of Science. A showcase for Bauhaus earth that will also host exhibitions and events for up to 150 people. For the next two to three years, it will only be open during the summer because it is not heated. Regarding her future neighbors, Science Minister Manja Schüler (SPD) said, “I am confident that our civilization can emerge from the climate problem instead of navigating farther into it.”

Eight-point strategy Potsdam aspires to be a leader in timber building. Green courtyards and wood roofs The goal of the master plan “Schlaatz 2030” is Schubert wants to rely more on wood while he is living in Potsdam.

The Great Orphanage Foundation owns the property, and a heritable building lease is being discussed. The pavilion will be replaced with a new, much larger structure that will serve as Bauhaus Erde’s new headquarters in the same location. The wooden parts of the pavilion will be recycled for the new structure and the pavilion will be constructed entirely from local resources.

federal, state, and foundation funds

Federal and state money are used to fund the project; the Federal Ministry for the Environment is providing 5 million euros, while the Ministry of Science is giving 2.5 million euros. An additional 15 million euros have been offered. Various foundations, like the Laudes Foundation and the Federal Foundation for the Environment, contribute additional funds.

The co-managing director of Bauhaus Erde, Philipp Misselwitz, declined to provide a schedule to the media on Friday. But preparations for an international architectural competition have already begun during the planning stage. Schellnhuber and his allies aren’t content with little victories here either; he’s in talks with Shigeru Ban, a famous Japanese architect who has expressed interest in competing.

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