Twitch launches ‘Shield Mode’, which allows you to prevent hateful behavior in chat


The live streaming platform Twitch has launched a new security tool under the name ‘Shield Mode’,with which they can configure aspects of broadcasts,such as blocking users who use prohibited words, to avoid hateful behavior in the chat.

The Amazon platform has implemented this function with which it intends to improve the existing security tools of Twitch, since it contains presets that can be configured by both the channel owner and moderators, and that can be activated with the click of a button whenever “higher protections” are needed.

In this sense, as Twitch has explained on its Security page, one of the main configurations is the Possibility of entering specific prohibited terms or phrases. In this way, the platform will proceed to block all users who have recently used these words in chat.

To configure it, you have to access the ‘terms and phrases’ tab, where you can enter those words or phrases that the channel owner does not want to include in the chat. I also know You will be able to review the list of blocked users in the ‘Banned Chatters’ tab so that they can be ‘unbanned’ in case the owner or the moderators deem it appropriate.

As indicated by Twitch, when ‘Shield Mode’ is disabled these settings are not saved. This way, the community will not be affected by old blocked terms.

Another of the key functions of ‘Shield Mode’ is a new exclusive channel mode that does not allow users who enter it for the first time to talk in chat time on the channel. This prevents someone from writing messages if they haven’t previously done so on the channel, and thus prevents waves of targeted attacks.

Other functions available are other channel modes,which include a follower-only or subscriber-only chat; chat verification options, like the phone or email; Y automod levels,the moderation control tool that blocks inappropriate posts.

Twitch has stressed that ‘Shield Mode’ is an easy tool to use and has the advantage of being customizable for “adapt to the measurements of the canal”. So, unlike other security features, the owner chooses which combinations of security controls are right for their community and when to implement them.

To activate the ‘Shield Mode’ you can open it from the channel page by pressing the shield icon that will appear below the chat writing bar. In the same way, when you want to deactivate it, you can do it by pressing the button again.

The platform itself defines this function as something “a little different” from its other tools. However, as he has put it, “his true power comes from the way he combines and enhances existing security tools In one single place”.

In addition, it has accentuated How necessary are these tools to combat “harassment and hateful behaviour”? which, on these platforms, can emerge both in waves and through a targeted attack. “We hope this tool will make it easier to instantly remove a hate raid if that happens to any user,” Twitch posted.

You have also specified that ‘Shield Mode’ is also useful for build a community safely in the long term, since it offers “a more relaxed security configuration” when the environment in the channel is calmer, which means that other more powerful tools do not have to be used but force the community to be kept “more restricted”.

[ad_2] Twitch launches ‘Shield Mode’, which allows you to prevent hateful behavior in chat

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