Georgia: a violent fight between senior lawmakers in the parliament

A big storm broke out today (Monday) in the Georgian Parliament in the capital Tbilisi, after a violent fight broke out between senior legislators, against the background of controversial legislation. Documentation from the parliament revealed the moments when a senior member of the coalition was seen attacking and hitting a senior member of the opposition, against the background of his opposition to the law known as the “Foreign Agents Law”, which the opposition warns may harm Georgia’s chances of joining the European Union.The law, promoted by the pro-Russian government, states that organizations and associations that receive more than 20% of their budget from foreign and international organizations will be required to register as “foreign agents”. According to the law, those “foreign agents” will be subject to strict supervision by the Ministry of Justice and the state authorities, or will be exposed to heavy sanctions and fines.

The critics of the law point out that it is a law similar to the law passed in Russia in 2012, and that its promotion will make it very difficult for Georgia to join the European Union in the future. They also added that as time passes, Russia continues to expand the interpretation of the law – in a way that allows extensive damage to the independent media.

Opposition members claim that the law is intended to allow the violation of human rights and is against Georgia’s basic national interests, and against any “pro-European ambitions” of Tbilisi. On the other hand, a lawmaker in the coalition called the opponents of the law “spies”. At the same time as the legislative attempts, thousands of people gathered outside the parliament building in protest, equipped with EU flags.

Along with the uproar, President Saloma Zourbishvili clarified that she may veto the law – to prevent damage to the possibility of joining the European Union in the future. However, in Georgia the parliament has the possibility to override a presidential veto on legislation in certain cases.

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