Pension reform: Macron says he does not “underestimate” the “discontent” in his response to the unions


Open and close at the same time. In his response to the unions, made public this Friday, the President of the Republic assures that “the government is [leur] listening” while repeating that the pension reform, which is the subject of a very significant protest movement, is necessary. The Head of State also claims not to “underestimate” the “discontent” and the “anxieties”.

“The government is, as it has always been, at your disposal to move forward through dialogue, find innovative solutions, without compromising on the need to restore a lasting balance to our pension system,” he replied. in a letter to the inter-union dated Thursday, without responding to his request to be received urgently.

As a reminder, the unions had asked on Tuesday evening to be received by Emmanuel Macron “so that he withdraws his reform” from pensions, pointing to the strong mobilization in the street against the project. The executive had already rejected this request on Wednesday, stressing that the door of the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, however, remained open.

“The government has not remained silent”

“You strongly express your disagreement with this bill and have organized demonstrations in a spirit of responsibility that honors you. But the government has not remained silent, and I myself have answered questions from the French on this subject several times on the ground, including recently, ”defended Emmanuel Macron. Before adding: “The debate on pension reform is nourished and continues to be in our democratic forums. »

Incidentally, the president explains not to “underestimate the discontent” and the “anxieties expressed by many French people worried about never having a pension”. The Elysée tenant finally insisted on his “attachment to dialogue” but also considered that the time was in “parliamentary time”, after the “consultations carried out” by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and the adjustments already made to the text. . “As guarantor of the institutions, it is my duty to preserve this parliamentary time which is currently taking place,” he added, assuring that “all points of view are expressed” in both chambers.

Earlier in the morning, the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez had deplored the lack of response from the executive in the face of a record mobilization on Tuesday. “Emmanuel Macron’s silence is a problem. Everyone knows it’s his reform. And when we ask him to be received, he does not answer us, ”he castigated.

[ad_2] Pension reform: Macron says he does not “underestimate” the “discontent” in his response to the unions

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