The foods you should avoid when suffering from anxiety

From the violent protests and political debates, through the piles of laundry that accumulate to the never-ending traffic jams – the modern lifestyle often leads to feelings of stress, pressure and anxiety. Not many are aware of this, but it turns out that our diet has an effect on the subject – both in the negative and in the positive aspect. For example, here are some types of food that you should avoid when you want to reduce these feelings.Coffee and tea

Caffeine is a stimulant that helps people stay alert and active. However, it may increase the secretion of hormones and nerve chemicals such as cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline, thus contributing to an increase in the feeling of stress and anxiety.

Sugary and carbonated drinks

Soft and sugary drinks contain very large amounts of sugar, the consumption of which affects the brain’s functions, which may exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

energy drinks

Energy drinks also often contain a mixture of caffeine, sugar (or sugar substitutes), vitamins and amino acids. Although they are often seen as a good solution to improve fatigue or lack of concentration, they may actually harm the mood and can lead to insomnia and irritability.


Even if it seems that alcohol may contribute to a feeling of calmness, in fact it may increase difficult mental feelings. People suffering from anxiety and depression who are treated with medication, must pay attention to the possibility of interaction between the medication and alcohol and consult with the attending physician.

Ultra processed food

In times of stress and tension, it seems that opening a bag of salty snacks or nibbling on a bar of chocolate can bring comfort and relief to the situation. However, ultra-processed foods such as salty snacks, sweets and fast food, contain many ingredients such as saturated fats, sugars, salts, flavor enhancers and preservatives that may have a negative effect on the body and increase the feeling of stress and anxiety. Excessive consumption of high-sodium foods, for example, may increase blood pressure, causing the release of adrenaline that may increase the body’s physiological response to anxiety.

fried foods

Fried foods such as chips and schnitzel can lead to an increased risk of depression, as well as an imbalance in brain chemicals that can cause mood swings and irritability.

Fries in a new shawarma from the besta (photo: Rita Goldstein, Tov Food)
How delicious – not recommended like that. chips | Photo: Rita Goldstein, good food

Processed meats

Eating red meat and processed meat such as hot dogs and sausages, may increase depression. It is important to remember that many processed meats contain additional substances that are harmful to the body, such as saturated fat for example.

Low-calorie products with the sweetener aspartame

Many of the low-calorie products contain the artificial sweetener aspartame. Studies have found that this sweetener increases cortisol levels in the blood (a hormone that, among other things, affects mood), affects brain health and increases the risk of depression and anxiety.

Which foods will actually contribute to improving mood?

If you are interested in feeling better and improving your symptoms of anxiety and depression, replace the eight sweets we listed with these:

Fruits and Vegetables: These are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that improve the health of the body, brain and nervous system.

Whole grains and legumes: These foods contain a lot of dietary fiber, which reduces the absorption of sugars and saturated fats that are not healthy for the body. They are also rich in anti-inflammatory substances that reduce stress through the brain and central nervous system.

salmon: You should also include in the menu foods rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce anxiety symptoms. Omega 3 is found in fish such as salmon and mackerel, but also in nuts and almonds, avocados, tahini and olive oil.

Fermented foods: Natural yogurt, sauerkraut and tofu, for example, are foods that contain healthy bacteria, which have a positive effect on the digestive system and its functioning, which helps improve the general feeling and thus reduce feelings of anxiety.

Salmon in the oven - this is how you start (Photo: Anat Elisha, Tov Food)
Salmon is an example of a food that is really recommended to eat when you want to relax | Photo: Anat Elisha, good food

Additional tips that can help improve the general feeling and reduce stress and anxiety:

  • Increase water consumption.
  • Get quality sleep: a night’s sleep of at least 7 to 9 hours.
  • Do physical activity: it has been proven to help relieve stress and maintain health.
  • Ordering food for the office? Try to choose steamed, roasted or stir-fried foods (which are as close as possible to homemade food).

In conclusion: wrong eating patterns can affect our mood and worsen feelings of stress and anxiety. On the other hand, balanced and healthy eating can improve and reduce anxiety and depression. It is better to be aware of the recommended foods and make the right choices.

The author is Shahar Cohen, clinical dietitian, Southern District Nutrition and Dietetics, United

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