Social Security update: Direct payment worth up to $4,555 to go out to millions in three days

A stock photo is shown with old Social Security cards and $100 bills.
A stock photo is shown with old Social Security cards and $100 bills. (iStock)

Social Security update: Direct payment worth up to $4,555 to go out to millions in three days

Asher Notheis
May 07, 08:23 AM May 07, 08:23 AM
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The first leg of May's three Social Security payments, worth up to $4,555, will be sent out to retirees in three days, according to the Social Security Administration's schedule.

The payment will be sent to those born between the 1st and the 10th of their birth month and will be disbursed on May 10, the second Wednesday of May. The payments are sent out on the second, third, and fourth Wednesdays of every month.


The amount of money each recipient gets depends on their age at retirement. Recipients who retired at 67 receive a maximum check of $3,627. People who retired at 62 get up to $2,572, and those who delay retirement until 70 get the highest payment of $4,555 per month, according to the SSA.

Two more rounds of payments will go to retirees later in the month, with the second payment being given to recipients born between the 11th and 20th of a month on May 17, the third Wednesday of May. The final wave will be sent on May 24, the fourth Wednesday of the month, and it will be for those born between the 21st and 31st of their birth month.

Recipients could see a decrease in their payments if Congress does not determine how the program will be funded by 2037. Discussions on the future of Social Security have occurred in Congress for years, and experts warned recently that the program could be insolvent in 10 years if nothing is done.

Some lawmakers have proposed raising the age at which citizens receive their full benefits from 67 to 70. Workers can already retire and collect Social Security as early as 62 or delay retirement until they are 70 for a higher check.

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